Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Blog #8 Midterm

Although it is a parent’s responsibility to control what their children eats, it becomes very hard when there are advertisements everywhere that are mostly directed to children. The government should help decrease illnesses and obesity in America. It can be hard for the government to tell us what to eat because some people don't like to be told what to do and it can cause the fast food  industry to flounder. To avoid interfering with the fast food industry’s success, the government shouldn’t eliminate ads completely but create ads informing children about the harm fast food is causing. It can also help to increase the amount of ads from the health departments promoting good health and wellness.
Parents should always have control of their kids, what their kids do and where their kids are, however parents can't control how often their child sees a fast food advertisement. According to Adweek News, Images of food packaging were shown in 88 percent of kids' ads versus 23 percent of adult ads and toy premiums were promoted in 69 percent of kids ads versus 1 percent of adult ads. McDonalds come up with fun  playgrounds, food packages in shape of presents and pretend like they are doing it to make people happy but in reality they are doing it to profit themselves. A parent shouldn't have to supervise their child when they're watching nickelodeon to avoid them from seeing a fast food advertisement thats giving them erroneous information or giving their kid the impression that their food is healthy.
Every time my 6 yr old niece and I are on the train and she sees an ad for McDonalds she nags constantly until I get her “her favorite” ; a kid’s meal. According to the book Selling to kids, a marketer said “ It’s not just getting kids to nag, its giving them a specific reason to ask for the product”. Schlosser further explains that the aim of most ads directed at children is to get them to nag their parents until they
get what they want. Soon enough marketers started supporting the idea, calling it “Leverage” and “Pest Power”. Pioneers also used the information in the book kids as customers, where McNeal classified the nagging tactics and in 1992 they created ads teaching kids to nag. Parents do have the option of saying no to their kids, however nagging becomes extremely annoying after a while and they eventually give in.
It can be hard for the government to make the huge decision of stopping ads for our health. On June 1,2012 NYC’s Mayor Bloomberg submitted the proposal to the NYC health department banning the sale of large sodas over 16 oz. due to the rapid increase of diabetes over the years. When most people heard the proposal they instantly disagreed saying the government shouldn’t tell us what to eat and drink. On July 30, 2013 the proposal was rejected by the state court saying the controversial regulation violates “the principle of separation of powers.”  It is very difficult for the government to regulate certain things; food is one of them. The best thing the government should do is create advertisements directed to america (especially children) informing them of the harm fast foods are causing. Stopping the fast food’s ads will decrease the fast food’s business. The best way to help both sides without violating the constitution is allowing the fast food ads, but also allowing more ads promoting healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. When having an option, people can make their own decision.

Food is something we need to survive, parents shouldn't have to worry about their child becoming ill because of something that seems so good. Eliminating fast food ads can lead to the decrease of success in the fast food industry so the government should not control what we eat. they should allow us to make our own decision by informing us the harm fast foods can be causing us.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

"The things to help our fast food nation" (Blog #7)

Not only the government but the FDA and other importers are lying to us. I dont know if we should blame them for our assumption of where our food should come from,but it should be obvious to them that what theyre doing is harmful to not only the animals but to the consumers. My claim for my essay #2 is going to focus on how society paints the wrong picture to us with factory farming ; mislead us. when we think about where our food is coming from, we picture a pretty farm with people taking care of lovely and helpful animals. if you google a farm u see something that looks like the image above but instead they are little chambers that mistreat animals and inject them with artificial hormone. my expectation is to stop animal cruelty due to factory farming. animals are being slaughtered horribly for the aspiration of success for a company. animals were born without freedom and are injected by chemicals the intentions of human consume. i can't speak for everyone but if i knew this before i wouldn't be a meat eater .the government should stop hiding these important information from us.

Brand identification (Blog #6)

              There are many brands i wear, some i wear more often than others. After writing this blog i noticed now something as simple as a brand and hold a huge impact on my life.Doc Martins And Jeffrey Campbells are my two favorite brands. Doc martins have been my favorite boot for a while, Ive been wearing them for 4 years now. When i first saw Doc Martins i fell in love. Although they were simple boots they had an unique shine to them. They are extremely sturdy and cute at the same time. I remember the first time i wore them to school and a random girl asked me "where u got those black timberlands from?" I was so confused at first but then i understood what she meant. A Lot of people in my school haven't seen them before.When i notice how many people didn't know what they were i loved them more. People started calling me Docs to tease me, i think its because i have big feet but it didn't really bother me. Docs made me feel different and i loved it. About 4 years after i have 5 pairs of Doc Martins. I have the low top (polka dot), 2 high tops (Green And Black) and one velvet one (Burgundy). Now i don't only use them for fashion but i wear certain Doc according to the occasion. I love moshing is docs because they are heavy duty but i also love wear my velvet low tops at nice events because they are more sophisticated. Doc Martins have made a impact on my life without me even noticing.
        Another brand i love id Jeffrey Campbell. Jeffrey was once an Olympic water polo player, he won 2 Silver Medals, 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles & in the summer of 1988 in Seoul, South Korea. Jeffrey Campbell is now known as the platform shoe god. Jeffrey makes the best looking platform shoes ever! He's so unique. He has a crazy style theta only real fashionistas can pull off. My first pair of Jeffrey Campbell's were for my sweet sixteen, after buying the $200 shoes my mom bickered at my for the rest of the day. Although i knew i would hear he complaining all day it didn't affect me, I was ensured that no one at my sweet sixteen would have them on... or even know what they are. Today I only have 2 pairs due to the price but hopefully I’ll have over 20 pairs by the age of 30. it so silly how we buy things to give us a little boost of happiness.