Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Blog #10 Topic sentence outline (Factory farming)

Possible hook:  What if you were told that you could fly to Brazil to a beautiful house of your own in exchange for your modeling? but instead you were sent to Brazil kidnapped, fed drugs, sexually abuse then murdered after you were saw to be no longer useful. Well people do it everyday to our food; Animals. The government has allowed factory farming to buy animals, unwillingly breed them, do atrocious procedures then slaughter them. Animals such as cattle, chickens, ruminants and other farm animals have to deal with these traumatizing problems everyday.
Claim: Factory farming should be banned due to its production of animal cruelty.

Main point #1: They are satiate the farms to maximize output while increasing input.
Supporting info:Animals are crammed by the thousands into filthy, windowless sheds and confined to wire cages, gestation crates, barren dirt lots, and other cruel confinement systems.
supporting ideas: factory farms typically consist of large numbers of animals being raised in extreme confinement. Animals on factory farms are regarded as commodities to be exploited for profit. They undergo painful mutilations and are bred to grow unnaturally fast and large for the purpose of maximizing meat, egg, and milk production for the food industry. Their bodies cannot support this growth, which results in debilitating and painful conditions and deformities.
Main point #2: Procedures done to animals before slaughter.
Supportive info: Animals are declawed, disbudded, Injected with Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
Suportive ideas: Animal-rich diet that is high in processed foods, saturated fats, cholesterol, and excessive protein and hormone levels - all at the high cost of deteriorating human health and a waste of natural food resources that could otherwise feed 8 billion people on this planet.

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