Tuesday, April 1, 2014

"The things to help our fast food nation" (Blog #7)

Not only the government but the FDA and other importers are lying to us. I dont know if we should blame them for our assumption of where our food should come from,but it should be obvious to them that what theyre doing is harmful to not only the animals but to the consumers. My claim for my essay #2 is going to focus on how society paints the wrong picture to us with factory farming ; mislead us. when we think about where our food is coming from, we picture a pretty farm with people taking care of lovely and helpful animals. if you google a farm u see something that looks like the image above but instead they are little chambers that mistreat animals and inject them with artificial hormone. my expectation is to stop animal cruelty due to factory farming. animals are being slaughtered horribly for the aspiration of success for a company. animals were born without freedom and are injected by chemicals the intentions of human consume. i can't speak for everyone but if i knew this before i wouldn't be a meat eater .the government should stop hiding these important information from us.

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